Wellness Digital Solutions
Lifemark understands that it isn’t always convenient or possible for employers to provide in-person consultations with employees for Health Screening, which is why we’ve developed Online Health Risk Assessment (HRA) and Online Wellness Challenge offerings.

Health Risk Assessment
This assessment starts with employees filling out a personal user profile, and answering questions using an online form about their health. Lifemark then generates a report that shares areas of risk for the employee, with recommendations on how to minimize these risks, either through physical activity, diet, quitting smoking, reducing alcohol consumption, seeking mental health resources, or finding a doctor to prescribe specific medications.
The online assessment includes questions and topics such as:
- User information (gender, date of birth, etc.)
- General health information (alcohol intake, smoking status, etc.)
- Medical measurements (blood pressure, cholesterol, height, weight, etc.)
- Eating (number of cups of fruit per day, vegetables per day, etc.)
- Exercise (days per week, intensity, etc.)
- Work Life Balance (stress, exhaustion, temper, etc.)
Online Health and Wellness Challenges
Online Health and Wellness Challenges are a great way to help your employees achieve their health and wellness goals. Our all-inclusive programs include everything you need to set-up, promote, run and report on a health and wellness challenge at your organization. For a list of our current online health and wellness challenges, please request a copy our challenge catalog. The online health and wellness challenges offering includes:
- Admin support
- Activity trackers compatibility (Fitbit & Google Fit supported)
- Content creation & management
- Health tips: access to pre-loaded health tips
- Gamification: virtual treasure hunts, secret pop-ups, leaderboards, message boards
- Challenge marketing
- Standard challenge reporting
- Prize support
Offering virtual health services to employees is a great way to provide a national reach to engage on the topic of health and wellness.
The report generated from the HRA provides valuable information for the employee about his or her current health status and includes recommendations on how to reduce current or potential health risks. This report can serve as a motivator for employees to focus on health and wellness, and feel supported by the work environment at the same time.